Turning Over An Old Leaf, East Malling

Day 365 of 365. At last I've made it, the last image on the last day of the year. I must admit at times I've found this 365 project really hard and some of my entries I haven't been particularly pleased with but I'm proud that I kept going and it has shown me how much I love photography.
My photography for work is all about deadlines and urgency and isn't particularly creative so I really treasure being able to go out with my camera(s) and just take shots for the sheer pleasure of it. I most of all love going out and about with absolutely no idea of what I'm going to photograph and discovering things or seeing something unexpected and capturing it. If I have a New Year's resolution it is to carry on the simple joy of taking photographs - oh and actually getting some of my stuff printed!
I think I'm going to take a break for a few days - not being tied down to a 365 will probably mean I'll post images a little bit less but hopefully it will be quality over quantity!

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