content wee noises
Unless he makes a special effort he tends to just allow the wimple to persuade his face into a sort of mopey pout, at odds with the interested cooings he was making in response to either the limited amount of things he could see (particularly the tunnel) or the things he could hear (probably not including me muttering at and singing to him) or the feel of the wind. Considering he'd had a moment earlier where he was able to adequately explain that he wanted to go into the kitchen and be put into his high-chair but then just started wailing, not accepting tooth-gripe-relieving generic pseudocalpol nor having the ukulele played at him nor being reassured that his brother and mother wouldn't be too long at the tip and the shop. Although it keeps feeling like Saturday today it's only Wednesday but is the seventh continuous day of me not being at work and being the person most likely to retrieve him from his cot when he's decided he's had enough nap and he's perhaps associating my extended presence with the disruption to the location of his cot, first in it being moved from one room to another and then moved around within that room. Last night saw the first same-room-problem, when Edgar snorted back enough cold-phlegm to trigger his gag reflex then started wailing loudly enough to wake Amos up, so he might have been feeling a wee bit tired despite having chosen to wake up. He cheered up after everyone got back and remained cheered sufficiently to remain cheery for the fifteen minutes he was strapped into the bike seat whilst I flapped about trying to see why the rear light wasn't working and finding a battery backup, though during the journey the batteries died in the backup whilst the dynamo rear popped back to life within the first two hundred metres.
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