
By PJG844

Joker And The Thief

Once upon a time in a village there was a house and byre. In the garden of the byre there was a dry stone wall. A proud wall. A happy wall. Every day it did its duty, protecting lambs from the chilly weather and keeping them close. Until one day, an orc, the size of a hobbit, from the North who was named Mackem said “Ey up, tha's a grand waal. ah think I'll hev it”. And hev it he did. Stone by stone he took it to his lair, sniggering all the while. One day a tall, handsome person from the south took up residence in the house by the byre and noticed a wall seemed to be missing. He asked all around the village but no-one was able to help him. So he strolled up to the cold, dank lair of the Orc (still called Mackem) and queried if he knew what happened to the wall. The orc snickered and said “Why aye, ah it wes give tuh wor by the previous ownor”. “Oh”, said the tall, handsome southerner “that's all right, then” and strolled back to his byre thinking “Ah, well, at least 3M will have a bigger herb garden”.*

This is the remains of a wall that was in the byre garden and, yes, the previous occupier did offer it to our part-time Antipodean (I believe there was a bit of one-upmanship in his offer). It's a shame but there's enough dry stone walls to go round. At least it went to a good(?) home. Well, at least for 6 months of the year.

* Only teasing, Mr D. Just make sure you're back sooner or later as we have an outstanding appointment at Comunn Eachdraidh Nis.

I wish everyone good fortune for the coming year and more than a modicum of happiness.

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