The End of the 365 Challenge

This is the end then. The 365 Challenge.

It was very hard to choose a decent shot to celebrate the feelings I have - I really have blipped one shot every day during the year 2014. Quite fun it has been and I have had some good shots sometimes, but of course also some pure "Emergency shots", as I have not been in my sharpest mode in every single day of the year...

But the year has been great.

I am ever so grateful to have found this community - especially I have to thank for your engouragement and most of all for the friendly enthusiasic and nice, friendly touch how you discuss about all the issues here in the blipworld! And how facinating it is to be able to travel with your beautiful scenes everyday all over to the world - to your world!

You truly are the best!

However rough or busy the 365 challenge was, I am not sure yet how to continue the blipping. Maybe not so stricktly daily, but I will continue, for sure ;)

Let's hope that all of us will have a happy new year 2015!


ps. The most peculiar winter this is now: after huge -21c day before yesterday, the temperatures have changed upside down. Today +6c, mild, partly sunny day. Felt like spring, only the sun of course could be seen only shortly. Snow melting, as well as my ice lanterns!


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