Christmas.... Humbug

We (I) had such high hopes for today. Probably why I feel so huffy about the whole thing.

For starters, the Husband's friend that came over last night didn't leave until 2am, meaning that there was excessive hangovers and tiredness to contend with from the start. The F'ers however loved all their prezzies and have been so good and amazing and beautiful all day. We didn't get them out for a walk as I wanted, but they didn't seem to care as they had one thousand tonnes of lego to build.

Just as I was pulling together the Christmas dinner (which was amazing BTW) E took a turn for the worse with her cold. The boys are dinner alone at the table while the Husband and I took turn in walking round with her trying to cheer her up.

By bedtime I had decided to take her to the emergency GP. She has managed to muster a chest, ear AND throat infection for her first Christmas. a job well done.....

Trying to remember all the positives, but I have had no booze, watched no Xmas telly and feel totally Scrooge.

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