Homeward bound

Goodbye Swaledale.  We’ve had a lovely few days walking.  See here and here and here and here.  And now we’re heading home.

 Ann took me and Alfie, the bearded collie, for a walk up the Dale before we left.  All the snow has melted in the Dales and it was relatively warm.

 However, now we’re back in Derbyshire and the snow that fell on Boxing Day evening hasn’t melted yet.  It’s very, very cold but when I went on my walk I pretended that I was at the beach and did lots of rolling on my back.

 .……………Then it was back into the house to spy on Bracken the bunny.  Unfortunately for me, it’s too cold for Bracken the bunny to be outside in his run.  ……………..So I’ve been sat staring at a rabbit run for an hour and Ann’s only just told me that Bracken the bunny is all warm and cosy in his hutch.  Booohoo!!!!

Heading back to Cornwall tomorrow.

Happy New Year to all my Blip, Facebook & Twitter followers. xxx

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