The Last Sunrise of the Year

8.7C with plenty of cloud. Dull. Rain due. Light breeze picking up to moderate through the afternoon.

When Maeve the Deerhound and I were out before 7am I noticed the very start of colour appearing over the horizon out to sea. There were lots of clouds and it was quite dark. By the time Apothecary7 had gone to work the sun had risen enough to light up the clouds from below and there were reds and oranges to see. I went up the road to the spot where I take the shots of the three trees and got one or two shots of the sunrise

Maeve and I went for our usual walk after lunch. We went down the road to the shore road and along the cycle path to get to the beach via the level crossing. The tide was on its way out. There were two other dog walkers on the beach, one with two dogs and the other with one dog and a small child.

Maeve and I walked along the beach to the fishermen's huts and pottered about looking for blip possibilities much the same as we did yesterday. Tom, the owner of Shamara II, was working at the back of his creel store  at the back of the beach and his son Ben was working inside their hut putting the nets on new creels.

I got some shots of small floats and ropes but I couldn't resist posting a shot of the last sunrise of the year.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/125 sec. ISO-100 18mm

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