my little eye

By clarebeme

The collapse of society.. realised through the medium of chocolate.

Had a lovely evening with old friends I used to work with some 25 years ago, during a brief but horrifying stint in the City (as a temp) that lasted two years until I worked out what else to do. I hated the work but left with a group of smart, funny friends I still love to see, though it doesn't happen as often as I'd like.

Now that I don't drink I watch the antics of slowly drunkifying people with a mix of amusement and boredom. Usually I switch quite quickly and intolerantly from the former to the latter, though this evening stayed funny until about half an hour before the end when I just wanted everyone to go home. I've concluded that drink definitely prolongs events beyond their natural end ;-)

Anyway this evening a long and heated debate ensued about the decline of society's morals because Alice wanted to take a chocolate from the bottom layer before the top one was finished. Apparently we're one stop away from total anarchy.

I've treated this (on my phone - goodness knows what it looks like large) as it was an evening that reminded me of times gone by as well as one that was great to live in the moment.

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