why does the title drop-down auto-fill?
Pleasingly, the thing Edgar was most visibly pleased about receiving was a ticket to go to an adaptation of the BFG. I'd seen a poster in town and had initially disapproved as the pictured BFG had a beard, which the real one did not, but it was relatively swiftly explained away satisfactorily. The theatre-for-children-fidgeting-legs I have come to heartily despise through exposure to children's television was thankfully mitigated through the production of live music from the stage. There was then time for a visit to the museum and a pop to the falafel-shop for some tea to take home, followed by an extremely fortuitous interception of the correct bus. On both buses Edgar chose to sit in the top at the back, both times causing a couple of teenage neds who were attempting to look moodily neddish to give up and move forward a few seats. He had his hood up to show willing but spoilt it a bit by eating a Tesco Finest croissant instead of a Gregg.
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