
By Farmerboab

Life in the old log yet...

Another clear day,but milder this morning.The shepherd moaning about feeling off colour. Turns out in his haste to clean his teeth this morning,the new tube of toothpaste he grabbed from the cupboard was in fact a tube of antiseptic cream.Once I finished laughing,I told him it could have been worse if it was haemorrhoid cream !
Had the vet out to a sick cow this afternoon. She calved 2 days ago. We think it is milk fever,so she got a bottle  of calcium into the vein,and will see what happens. If she lives,think this will be her last calf any way as she is 18 years old.
This rotten tree stump has lain here for years. But nature doesn't like things to go to waste,and it is now home to bracken and fungi.

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