
By Kackers

My Worry Buddha.

When you pack to move, you can't help but pause when you come across certain items and allow yourself the time to replay memories.

My worry Buddha will be put in my bag when I move as he will be the first thing that I put out.

He has been with me for over 20 years.

His toes have been broken, but I love him, although he has no name.

He always sits facing me, and when I bought him, I was told he would take all my worries from me.

Whilst I know this is may not factually true, I could not imagine sitting on my sofa without him looking over me.

It made me smile when I thought of all the places he has sat over the years. All the things he has seen and heard in quite a few lounges.

Now, hopefully, we will both move and finally get our peace and finally settle my faithful wooden guardian.

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