
By DevonDumpling

'Oops a Daisy'

A lovely frosty, bright day today...I desperately wanted to blow the cobwebs away and to stretch my legs...I've been struggling with a horrible cold for the past two weeks..fresh air much needed. P and my son S went into I packed a little picnic and a small flask of coffee and drove to my favourite place. A bracing walk up to the top of The Long Man of Wilmington...the fields looked beautiful with the frost. It got my heart really's a long steep walk up to the very top...once there I reached the sun and the grass was free of frost. Had my little picnic and enjoyed the scenery and silence!

However on the way down...though I was going carefully, I slipped on a frozen muddy patch, backwards, forwards and sideways...landed on my knees..ouch! At least my camera seems okay and my other lens in my rucksack escaped damage. It's a quick way to get down though. Bit bruised. It didn't spoil the day and I don't think anyone saw me! Did I mention that I've been accident prone all my life but have never broken any bones..other than fingers and toes.

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