From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

From Ayrshire with love....

Ayr seafront certainly felt more like Russia when I went out after I'd logged off this afternoon!

I haven't much to tell you today. I went out to the West Kirk last night even though it was a work night and the place was quite busy considering it was only Monday. It was like an ice rink out there coming back and the silvery moon helpfully lit up the slippery patches to avoid.

This morning stayed dark until quite late but it was beautifully clear and bright again once it did get light. I do like these crispy days!

As I expected, it was a very quiet day with just another pile of January new starters to set up. I sent emails asking HR people to test out a couple of report changes I'd put in place just before the Christmas break but just got 'Out Of Office' messages back which wasn't much of a surprise.

One new access request came through which really made me smile and was for a temporary worker called Annemarie James-Bond! How anyone ends up with a name like Annemarie is beyond me...

Anyway, I didn't strain myself today and logged off promptly to hurry down to the beach to catch another fine early evening sky. Sorry if I'm driving you mad with Ayr sky pictures right now but I might as well catch them while I can. I have it on good authority from a fine weather forecaster that the grey skies and unsettled conditions will be returning on Wednesday.

Track? Well I had my big coat with the furry hood on looking like I was from Siberia so have decided on my favourite James Bond theme tune - From Russia With Love

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