
By tookie

Christmas in Portland!

We arrived at the crack of dawn at our son's family home in Portland on Christmas day.  We left at 5am to avoid bad traffic and it worked...altho we yawned a lot during the day from that antic!   Zeke was a doll and it was great fun watching him open---or help to open gifts...a whole new experience this year being he is now 16 months and a toddler!  Here you see him surveying the scene....reading the book about Zeke's Family with his mom that I made him, carrying his new doggie guitar from "santa" and even kissing it!  His new piggy bank toy can be seen too. And of course blipper Z taking photos of this fun day!  A wonderful time and joy watching him loving his new toys:)  A cherished time to be able to spend it with our wee family thankful for them.  

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