Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Camera Obscura.

I met Jess up at camera obscura this afternoon. I've never been before and didn't really know what to expect but it was great and I even learned some interesting Edinburgh facts I didn't know before!  Did you know that the Balmoral clock next to Waverley Station has run 3 minutes fast from Victorian times so that travellers would make it to their trains on time? I didn't, and I really wish the tour guide hadn't asked if anyone was actually from Edinburgh before quizzing me and discovering my embarrassing lack of local knowledge! Despite the Edinburgh history course I did about 6 years ago - have forgotten everything apparently. When was the New Town built? I don't know! Why are you all looking at me?! I only live there! (I do know this, I just don't preform well under pressure and scrutiny and thus was around 100 years out). I didn't know that the windows on the west side of Ramsay Gardens are much smaller than the other side because of the camera obscura though - they made them tiny so it that it couldn't see in! It's the Victorian equivalent of a wide-angle lens DSLR with a paparazzo attached.

We had a brilliant time taking lots of pictures on the roof terrace, then playing in the world of illusions and with all the light installations - honestly, hours of fun! Then on the way out we got married. It only cost a pound and they're weren't any witnesses so I'm not convinced it was entirely legal, but we got a ring and a certificate and everything! I did warn Jess not to rely on this counting towards a green card... I'm not sure how I'm going to break it to Maggie, feel like I've just cheated on her - well if anyone is going to be my fake wife it really ought to be Mags. She already has the bossing and nagging down to a fine art ;)

When we finally emerged, several hours later we were absolutely starving so took our wedding party of two along to Bar Koh for burgers and chips. Perfect! It was a lovely day.

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