Dinosaur Feet!

Today we've travelled to South Vermont for a couple of days before Jen and Pete head home. En route we broke the journey at Dinosaur State Park where we got to see these real dinosaur footprints! They were uncovered during building work and thankfully the developer recognised them for what they were and so they have been preserved. The layers of sandstone here contain over 500 tracks of different dinosaurs and some scratch marks from swimming dinosaurs too, pretty impressive! We continued on our journey and stopped in Brattleboro for lunch. I recall this old logging town from the John Irving novels. We ate at the Wheatstone Brewery, close to the Connecticut River, which served delicious food. I had the half and half mushroom soup and Turkey wrap which were yummy. We spotted a coop on the way to the carpark which was a real find as it was crammed with locally produced and organic foods so we got to do the evening meal shopping too! The sun was setting as we arrived at our accommodation, a nineteenth century farmhouse (more details tomorrow as no wifi at the house). Becks and Rob had brought with them a classy bottle of wine they had picked up in California so we enjoyed that with our evening meal. Despite the snow, the darkness here at night is awesome. The kids ventured out down the icy track with torches and came across moose tracks, yay!

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