Meall Mor Dog

Up early and up the road for a wee hill walk with Juno.

The trunk roads were fine even with sub zero temps. It all changed when I turned onto a single track road. I was icy and it took awhile to get along to the carpark at the end.

Loads of cars attracted by the nearby munros.

Juno and headed west up a sheltered chilly glen, the blue sky was stunning and the occasional raven broke the sky,

We reached the end of the track and headed straight up a steep slope. It was frozen tussocky grass which was tiring.

The slope steepened at the snow line and I used the ice axe to get up the snow and frozen turf. Juno was unfazed and found time to roll in some fox shit.

A handful of stones marked the top, good views all aound with the big hills topped in white with a stunning winter red petticoat.

Juno lay in the snow, waiting for her chicken bits.

A steep descent and a brisk walk out along the track. Tea in the carpark on a picnic bench and Juno given some snacks.

A cautious drive along the icy undulating road and then home.

Juno knackeered and a quiet night in.

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