Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A whiteout

After that brief respite from falling snow yesterday afternoon when the sun suddenly appeared to cause lovely reflections on the lake, it has snowed non stop ever since. Our plans to ski today were dashed yet again as it was a complete whiteout. Gavin and I went for a walk, which ended up being a very brisk one to keep warm. The snow was stinging as it blew on our faces, and it was difficult to capture these conditions in photos.

Here you can see the lack of visibility into the distance and you cannot even see the mountains just beyond these trees. This image is in colour, yet there is so little colour in these conditions that it almost looks like a black and white photo.

We are going to try and ski tomorrow as the forecast says clouds and a bit of sunshine until lunchtime when the snow will fall again. I had to laugh at the Swiss precision in the weather forecast, where hours of sunshine in the total day were given as 0.2 hours - that is, twelve minutes - really? I wonder if perhaps there may be fifteen minutes instead?

Now we are going to put the fire on and watch the new Miranda DVD which was in someone's Christmas stocking

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