Which Fish?

We had to get out this afternoon ....it was lovely and rainy with lots of heavy clouds in the sky.
I wanted to try out my new beaut ND filters...Ive had them for nearly 2 weeks now and still haven't had the time to get to introduce myself to them.
Got my tripod ready...errrrrrr! no battery......no matter there is a spare in my bag......went to put the camera on the tripod and jeez! the plate was attached to the battery grip which I too off last night.
So here we are.....up on the hill @ Hastings Point in the rain and beautiful blustery weather with Flynn checking out the fish legend to see which one he wanted for tea tonight.

Unfortunately we ended up deciding on going for Thai instead of Fish n Chips...for a treat. It was horrible and I have to say I am feeling rather queazy in the tummy....we won't be going back there again thats for sure.

I want to thank you here and now for stars and hearts that have been left....I would love to thank you individually but I am so confused with this new site....everything seems to roll into one and I don't know what Im getting a heart for and sometimes the heart icon says I have more hearts than I have been notified of...same goes for the stars.....
......as I say I am confused as hell and if I haven't got back to you to show my appreciation....I apologise profusely ...especially as I really love to get them...I guess we all do.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein

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