I'am off!

We woke up to no snow unlike a lot of other places. Mr PB went cycling and there was 3 inches in Stamford which is 10 miles north of here. So we were lucky/unlucky not to get any.

Meanwhile I stayed in the warm, still with a sore throat and my ears hurt. I made the binding for L's quilt and sewed it ion. Now just the long task of hand stitching it on. Oh I also took L into town as he could not possibly wait till his Dad came home from cycling to take him, and his Christmas money was burning a hole in his pocket. I amazed at how quiet town was in comparison to what I imagined. PS whatever bought and we returned home. That's about it for my day! Oh I did go out in the garden to take a pic of this cheeky squirrel. He had been eating the fat balls and sitting on the bird house! What a minx!

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