
By Cairistiona1

Mother and Child

Took a run up to the wild animal park today. (We tend to do that when we are on holiday at this time of year). The weather looked OK this morning but as soon as we hit Drumochter summit it was pants. Rain turned into sleet and a dense cloud was hanging over the hills.

At this point the daughter piped up from the back of the car with something like "I think you'd have to be awfully careful going walking in those hills. The weather changed so quickly". Happy that the wisdom of the last 22 years has at least begun to take effect, I decided to take the fifth and remain quiet. After all there's only so many ways / times you can ram the "be prepared" motto down someones throat before they tell you to shut up!

Anyway we carried on and eventually came out of the cloud and arrived none the worse for wear. The afternoon was spent gawping at animals who were prepared to share a little bit of their lives with us. I took an inordinate number of pics and thoroughly enjoyed myself - until I lost the shot of a bison calf. The man and daughter, now looking for something much more amusing to do, decided to start up a conversation. In true cattle speak they both called out MOO together and the herd ran off protecting the calf as they went. Still, 330 odd images to sort through should be enough for anyone.

So I've pulled this one out because the man decided this was his highlight of the day. Besides the tigers stole the show last year.

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