Cockenzie Twin Towers

You know you are part of an extended Blip family when a passerby recognises the oddity of someone with their camera stuck through the railings at the top of the Mound and stops to say hello. Yes our very own SooB was in town with the children and we had a conversation and catch up on the way down to Princes Street while His Lordship stamped his feet against the cold as he waited patiently while we said our farewells and 'bonnne années', that being the only French that was uttered.

Thence on to the seaside and a preview of a flat in Portobello that Oman daughter is buying in readiness for her return to Scotland.
The sun shone as His Lordship and I strolled along the Prom and I took the opportunity to blip the twin towers of the now defunct Cockenzie Power station and the two dog walkers on the beach acting like mirror images.

The clouds finally rolled in from the west and it was a cold damp bus journey home, looking out at the world of consumerism gone mad as shoppers crowded the streets, bringing the traffic to gridlock.

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