Conspiratorial ...


A long drive to Grimsby to see the in laws was made much longer by unnecessary speed restrictions and much, much rain. For a long while the A1 became a three lane parking lot. There had been an accident. I hope no one was seriously injured. I've just been scanning the news and it sounds like many people had their travel plans far more interrupted than we did. I hope everyone gets to where they want to be.

We broke the journey, as is our tradition, at Barter Books in Alnwick - such a delightful little spot. My first food of the day was the café's cinnamon toast, cut up like soldiers and it was delicious. It only occurred to me later that perhaps that dish is aimed at children... I thought these two looked so cosy in conversation; conspiratorial...

We found room at the Inn and then went to the in laws who, surprisingly to us, had a houseful. It was a good evening and I was ready for bed when we returned.

I hope the holidays are treating you well.

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