
By JuneFox

Let it snow .......

.... the sign said - and it did!

My son, daughter and I spent Christmas in Sheffield with my eldest son, Daniel and his girlfriend Sara.  My youngest son, Andrew, his fiancee and their children stayed in London to spend Christmas with Kim's family.

Today, we met up with Sara's parents for a lovely meal in The Prince of Wales restaurant on the other side of Sheffield.  During the meal we noticed it had started to snow outside and by the time we left there was a thick blanket of snow on the ground.  Driving back to my son's house was a slow journey as the snow had settled on the roads.  Later that evening, I couldn't resist going for a quick walk with the camera.  I rather liked the festive decorations outside this house and thought that the sign was rather appropriate!

Tomorrow, I travel back to London - those winter tyres are going to come in handy at last! 

Hope everyone had a great Boxing Day x

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