Lincolnshire Sprouts
Without a doubt,
When put to the test,
The Lincolnshire sprout
Will taste the best.
So, it's Boxing Day, and I find in the cold oven what I failed to remember to dish up yesterday: no, not the sprouts; the honeyed roast parsnips! They reheated a treat, so we had a rerun of yesterday's Christmas Dinner, but with added parsnip. (The sprouts proved more photogenic.)
Only now, as I come to upload my photo, does it hit me that it's my 1500th consecutive blip! Just think of all those clever blip day shots we see, with dinky ways of representing numerals and so forth .... and what do I give you? Sprouts.
Still, I could claim it's symbolic as I sprouted from Lincolnshire myself, before I ended up, via 30 years in the Midlands, in South Devon ... and Blipland. Let's pretend that's what my blip's all about, shall we?
Don't think I shall receive the shiny red camera icon of ye olde Bliplande, but never mind. Thanks for all your visits over the years and I shall keep on blipping, though if might not be every day. I know I say that at every milestone, but this time I really do think I should only blip when I have a photo worth sharing. It won't stop me visiting others' journals, mind you.
Meawhile, Happy Boxing Day, folks.
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