
By SkiMe

On Hold

Plans are on hold while Mr JC makes a recovery.  A rough start this morning; we spent the afternoon at the children's emergency room to check on his bronchitis after the second check up with his doctor.  For those not familiar with the Italian social medical care, that is the way of it.  I remember feeling so imbarrased after stubbing a toe very badly a long long time ago and having to sit in the emergency room to have it x-rayed to see if it was broken.  The trick is not to be the bottom of the totem pole.... A White ticket will set you back many hours of waiting.  Not much better the Green.  Today we were Yellow.  A Red ticket gets you first class service, but I don't reccomend it!

So back home... after sitting through several hours of IV to rehydrate the little guy, stabilize him a bit and have time for observation.  Oxygen monitor of blood saturation, X-ray to check his lungs, blood samples to make sure nothing else more serious. 

In the end the service is good (except when it is bad).  Now the medication list has been appended and we are back home to make a second attempt.  Hope this little guy turns the corner or it is back to the hospital for a longer visit...

I have nightmarish memories of the hospital and bronchitis as a small child in an oxygen tent... with the clowns who came around to cheer me up - no luck to them, sorry.  I was so angry, missing my mommy and unhappy about having a soiled diaper that I couldn't stop crying long enough to make a word out of my mouth.  How about that?

In comparison, Mr JC is a trooper!!  A very strong rebellious little trooper... doesn't like his medicine or aerosol treatment.  In time, all will pass!  :)

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