'High' tea

Several years ago when G was a Master's Degree student in London at Queen Mary, he brought us home some tea. I loved both boxes, one Tick Tock Roobios, and the other, Dr. Stuart's Valerian Plus. I never was able to find them again on the internet when I wanted more. Now they are available and they were part of yesterday's Christmas prizes. We've been unpacking the bags we brought home from my brother's where we exchanged gifts yesterday. As you can see, Raspberry was thrilled to see the Valerian box back at Dogcorner. I always had to brew and sip when she was locked up in her case. The box has to go into a tin, she cannot stay away....

We had an extra special day yesterday with our families. We'll see other members later today to exchange gifts and visit. Our morning started yesterday with a walk through our woods to breakfast pastry and quiche  and the gift exchange with my brother C, his wife D & G. My niece S and her boyfriend D joined us. They were late arriving and we soon found out why. D had hidden a diamond engagement ring in a pair of boots he bought for my niece. Needless to say, they were thrilled and emotional when they arrived with the news!! I My tears turned to sobs when she announced that the diamond in the ring was my grandmother Nora's stone. D had it reset at a jewelers in Boston. We are so very happy for them and for T's nephew, D who also became engaged to wonderful K just before Christmas!

We opened our gifts(one of our gifts was Apple TV and have set it up already) and then watched the Muppet Christmas Carol and laughed. D & C had made a marvelous Christmas feast, a meal so much like the traditional one C & I always had with my parents. Prime rib with horseradish sauce, twice baked potatoes stuffed with buttery blue cheese, winter squash, molded tomato aspic salad, roasted asparagus and scalloped oysters. For dessert we had the old Scottish cracker pudding, baked in a glazed pottery flowerpot, a recipe handed down from my Nana Josselyn's family. Nana's, mother, Betsey, left Strathmiglo, Scotland at 6 months old with her parents, (her mother was Betsey also) in 1861 for the States. The removal of the pudding from the pot was always fraught with the danger of it splitting and leaving half of the pudding in the pot until the miracle of cooking spray. My nanny used to make it on Thanksgiving(many ruined by the splitting) and my mother carried on the tradition from dad's family by making it every Christmas. It used to be difficult to get Bent's Common Crackers, the ones needed, but Vermont Country Store online has solved that headache. The white sauce of sugar, butter, cornstarch and heavy cream is divine.

We left that side of the family around 5;30 and headed just north of Boston to visit with J&T and the twins! They were so adorable and it was so nice to be with that happy little family. We tucked into bed at about 10, both happy and thankful such a day. 

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and bright.

All hands relaxing.

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