Its Christmas...

Christmas was slightly strange this year; we got up & then I took C to see her mum in the hospital. She was feeling pretty low as she had been looking forward so much to coming to us for the day.

N & R called in for a snack lunch just ahead of my mum who was pleased to be here. N & R then left to go to Cookham Dean where they were to have Christmas dinner.

We opened some presents, listened to the Queen and then I took C to see her mum again as she was quite poorly. I prepared the veg while she was gone & put the turkey in the oven. We had some more presents & then ate at around 1800hrs after I had collected her. It was a truly lovely meal just marred by Daph's absence.

loaded the dishwasher & adjourned to the lounge for some tv chocolates & more wine. Mum left at about 2030 just as it was starting to freeze outside. N & R arrived back here at 2100 when we watched TV and drank a little more. They left by taxi just after 0000hrs having drank me out of house & home.

Bed by 0100hrs....

Happy Christmas Everyone

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