shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

A train blip

After yesterday's last blip of the Glasgow Wheel, here's another old favourite - the train blip. Grabbed quickly on my phone, hence the not terribly good quality, but I was also a little harassed at the end of a long day at work and a little confused by the situation. In my understanding passenger trains exist to move passengers around in the same way that goods trains exist to move goods around and so on, seems logical to me. But the set in this shot, which make up the daily 17:23 Stirling-Glasgow service, which arrives onto platform 6 at Stirling station about 17:05 every day when the Alloa service leaves it behind, only taking two carriages onwards to Alloa and these two carriages sit there until they head for Glasgow with their commuter cargo at 17:23. The service has the benefit of almost never being late, as these carriages form part of the set which makes up the Fort William and Mallaig service from Queens Street. But today, instead of peacefully waiting at platform 6 for its scheduled departure, my fellow passengers and I, who were waiting on the train were told to get off, it had to move to another platform to let a coal train through. Never mind the empty track to our side, which is a whole other story, we all had to get off and walk across to get back on once the train had manoeuvred itself from platform 6 to platform 7. I still do not understand why we had to get off, it wasn't as if it was travelling at any great speed, or on any dangerous bit of track, but at least it gave me a pointless story to tell you all, and another reason to wonder if there is any logic to Scotrail at all - I mean, would you really want to move passengers in a train, what an idea!

PS just notices that by the wonder of technology I don't have to set the location for this blip as my phone has done it for me, and incredibly precisely!

PPS having just spent an entire blip going on about trains and technology I do wonder if I actually should have been a bloke!?

PPPS Bizarrely a year ago today was a train blip too, but one from inside!

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