~Thank you Mike~

Tonight I went to take my card out of my camera only to find there wasn't one in it...
Not one picture of our Christmas shared.
I took a lot of pictures of the girls outside shooting their red rider BB guns. My son bought his girls each one. I was a nervous wreck watching and waiting for someone to lose an eye.
Emilie is an excellent marksmen and I'm sure with some more practice the other wont be for behind.
We had breakfast for everyone this morning, then Lacey, myself and the girls hit the streets and delivered lunches to the homeless. We met some wonderful people. I hurts the heart seeing so many people without homes. We then came back home, opened gifts the had a Ham dinner followed by board games. It was a wonderful Christmas. ~WITH NO PICTURES~
Mike bought me an IMAC now I just need to learn how to use it...

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