Bunny Snuggle Time

I like to call this day Christmas Eve Eve.  It is a hustle and bustle sort of day sometimes.  Mainly with the cooking of food.  We had a few last minute presents to get wrapped, and everything packed up and ready to be put in the Jeep to head to The Hubby's parent's house the next day.  We spent the majority of the day in jammies.......or in the case of Sugar, the clothes she had been wearing since the day before.  (shhhhhh....don't tell.)  I did venture outside to move the goat, and to grab Ocean bunny for some indoor time.  It was time to clip her nails, and give her a bit of attention.  She is Sugar's first bunny love.  

I've been lazy about picture taking lately.  Reading back through my journal, I see that this is common for me around this time of year.  Wish it wasn't so.....there are so many wonderful things happening that I should document better.  

Tried to get Sugar in bed at a reasonable time.....but the poor kid started to have a tummy ache.....and proceeded to not be able to fall asleep for the life of her.  We tried EVERYTHING.  I think she was feeling excited for Christmas Eve.  I left her bed around 2:30 am, and she had done nothing but doze a bit here and there.  I was exhausted and left her to it.  Poor pumpkin.  She says that she thinks she fell asleep around 6am.  She was awake at 8am.  Oh dear.......

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