Merry Christmas

So, having my 1000th blip day fall on Christmas Day has it's pros and cons.    

The cons are that unless you plan it AND ensure that you have not consumed nearly a whole bottle of champagne before you decide to take some pictures then it all goes a bit "Pete Tong" .  Now  I'm too tired/wasted to list the other cons.

The pro is, and there is only one, is that it is quite pleasing to have a landmark blip  fall on such a festive day.

I give you the best of a bad lot and actually I do really like this shot of me and my wonderful niece and nephew.

I intend to keep on blipping ad infinitum whatever and appreciate, more than I am able to articulate, all my blip pals who I banter with on a daily basis.   You are a top lot you really are.

Merry Christmas my lovelies.... mwah 

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