
I got early and let the chickens out, the children and wife slept. I did some chores and prep while listening to the radio.

Eventually eco daughter got up, I was summoned to watch the pressies being opened. Eco son still not well, so a zombie came through to join us.

Some lovely gifts and happy people.

The ladies, Juno and myself headed to the coast as we do on this day. Eco mum chose beach and route. It was lovely. The beach has changed with lots of sand moved, poles sticking out of the sand look like the skeleton of bag nets in shape. I will have to research.

Home and I was food duty.

Just 3 , as eco son lay in bed.

On the radio they we looking back at xmas in the past. My memories is my mum feeding loads in our tiny flat. There was not enough seats and I would get an old plastic bucket to sit on. In a kicthen that was 6ft x 4ft my mum would cook fish and cheese sauce, then turkey and all the trimmings for 10. Amazing in such a small space and tiny gas cooker. The pudding was always Mrs Flannigans trifle, she was a fabby helpful lady who lived in Robbie Ave and made a mean trifle.

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