...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

My babies are 4 weeks old today! It's gone by so fast, but at the same time it feels like I've known them forever.
The ladies at 4 weeks...
Hadley: still very animated in her expressions and likes tummy time with her strong neck. She can get fussy at times but she just loves to be held. She likes to be held upright so she can check out everything.
Emma: this girl loves to eat! The main reason she cries is because she's hungry. We still joke that when she looks at you she's looking right into your soul. She's a very focused little girl.
A typical day starts around 6 for their 'breakfast' and then every 3 hours it's about the same...eat, play, cuddle, sleep..:repeat. Their fussiest time is about 7pm. They are great sleepers for their mama and will sleep from 9pm until 3ish and then back up at 6am to start the routine all over. They both like car rides, being held, and visiting Grandpa C ;)

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