
Ben woke up poorly this morning. Late, so I'd showered and dressed and was fixing breakfast by the time his plaintive wail floated down the stairs.

Pyjama day today for him... I carried him downstairs, deposited him on the sofa, found a bucket because he said his tummy hurt. It's been hurting on and off for a couple days now. He was sick before he'd managed any of his breakfast but once that was over he perked up enough to manage something to eat, a toilet trip, tidying his bedroom, putting on his bee suit (which he's now wearing to bed), and watch Cars 2 giving a loud running commentary "MAMA LOOK!!" as I was in the kitchen trying to top up my cup of tea with hot water.

My breakfast was very very late.

Lunch was also very very late but Ben was not hungry, just me. Charley wanted food action so he had the messiest sandwich ever (cream cheese, bad choice for a tired mama) while Ben insisted on sticking his stickers into his magazine. I had to pick the stickers off the sheet for him.

We gave up after that and went to bed for an hour...

Daddy came home, daddy went out again for milk and beer, beer bread was made, soup and bread consumed (eventually) in between making Ben's pasta and cheese sauce, and feeding Charley's demands for more soup: he was given either loaded spoons, or bread dipped in the soup and he did the rest himself, Ben had most of his pasta (he helped Steve finish making the sauce and was very proud of himself!) and declared himself tired. And that bed was an option. It wasn't long before we were all (well, me and the boys) in bed.

For a change the boys went to sleep really quickly and I didn't fall asleep with them so got a lot of housework done (but not the blip!) before Charley woke up, then a little bit of editing by request for a slightly different print of the new artwork, and then we gave up and went to bed when Ben woke up crying again.

Hmm. Hope he's better tomorrow.

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