Into the Light

Straight out the can, that one. There was certainly a wonderful light between some of the sluicy icy downpours, brought in on a keen wind.
So, Christmas Eve and time for MrP's celebrated, well, Christmas Eve, soirée. And what fun it was. I think. The mulled wine was nearly finished! The smoked almonds and stollen totally disappeared. Those are the quantifiables. And one couple even brought their weans! The daughter was a star, delivering up drink and chatting nicely. The son didn't quite make it, and judging by his speech at 7pm when I phoned him, maybe that was just as well.
But... I do believe this is the first Christmas in 27 years when there will be no child waking in the house to see what's in their stocking. That's a bit of the end of an era.

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