Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Village Life

Jet lag... ugh!

Woke at 5am because our body clocks are so ahead. Wanted to do a few things so headed off to Guildford - to CLC amongst other places. Stopped at "a very English tea room" at the House of Fraser which has fabulous views and tea! The sun came out several times which made it perfect.

G thought it would be fun to go "nativity scene" hunting, so we went to Forest Green and their very quaint little church. Called in at Cranleigh to have a quick look around. What an interesting village! It has a store (Mann's) that's been going over 125 years which had this animal orchestra in the window (bottom left).

Definitely felt the temperature drop so it was great to come home briefly before going out again, this time to Shere for their Carols in the Square. What a super experience! It was 3degC but it didn't matter! There were easily a thousand people there and it was refreshing that we only sang traditional carols.

There was every intention to go back for a midnight service but I'm afraid tiredness and freezing temps have changed plans, so it's going to be a service on TV tonight.

Large is good.


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