Christmas Eve.

Not fair, grotty night.
Grump grump grump.

Lee headed into Worcester for last minute shopping, I took the children to see the upton hunt ride out. Met a friend from work who joined us, was lovely atmosphere. Only had one parent try and talk work to me! Home.

Grandfather came to play. Munchie was so happy to cuddle, jump, climb on him. The two of them had great fun playing with the happyland track we were given yesterday. Lunch.

Wom and grandfather then had a snoozy cuddle, reminded me of when I was little and I used to climb onto him and go to sleep.

Employed Munchie in veg prep after he had gone. She took sprout peeling very seriously.

Daddy home, lots of tears of tiredness. Mince pie, milk and carrots left out and off to bed they went.

Merry Christmas xx

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