Ready and waiting...

For guests to arrive.

It was Christmas Day with Aunty Gill, Uncle Paul and the Padster today. Although with the Christmas tree up we didn't have the Golden Retreiver and the Weim in the lounge...the tree wouldn't have been up for long!

They arrived to attend the nativity in the Church. The wee fella was a wise man and he and his fellow wise men were excellent. When it was their turn they rode their imaginary camels with great skill round the Church. They were perhaps a bit hesitant to go into the manger and then to hand over their presents...with thee of us stage whispering, "Go nearer the baby Jesus" "Put the gifts down" :-)

Earlier I had realised that I had totally forgotten about the egg sandwiches I said I would make for the wee children's tea afterwards. Only one wise man to get ready this year, not the usual throng that I have to organise and I totally forget about the egg pieces! Didn't realise until I hit the Church Hall and I heard someone say sandwiches. There then followed a frantic 10 minutes where I dispatched the Rooster to buy a loaf of bread and sandwich filling, a tense call with Mr R...then a call with Es to get her to run and stop the Rooster making his purchases...I came to the realisation that I wasn't going to be able to save this twenty minutes before the service began. My frantic issuing of orders and then reversal of those orders did bring a smile to my face as I was singing the first hymn...poor kids had no egg sandwiches at their tea though. No idea how that COMPLETELY escaped my head this year!

After Church and a wee sit down at home Aunty Gill & Uncle Paul had to nip into Stirling for some shopping and we started to prepare dinner. We then enjoyed a lovely meal in good company :-)

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