.....without sprouts - or to give them their proper name Brussels sprouts? 

Definition : BRUSSELS SPROUT.  1 plural : a plant (Brassica oleracea gemmifera) of the mustard family that bears small edible green heads on its stem. 2 : any of the edible green heads borne on Brussels sprouts —usually used in plural. 

I have always loved sprouts so I hope you like my presentation, artistically crafted with REAL Brussels sprouts.  When I was expecting our first baby, I used to pinch take them off Mr. HCB's plate if I had finished mine before he had finished his!  Mr. HCB'S father used to say "If that baby is born with little green things sticking out of his head, I'll know why!"  Interestingly, when our son was of an age to eat vegetables, he hated sprouts!  

Today is Christmas Eve and I am so thankful that we are going to that same son's for lunch tomorrow, and guess what, over the years, his taste has changed, and he now likes sprouts - but they are usually cooked with bacon and chestnuts - the posh way to cook them!!  

There is so much sadness in the world at the moment, and we don't have to look very far to see people who are suffering and hurting, so as we enjoy our time with family and friends, perhaps we should spare a thought for those who are much less fortunate and thank God for all we have and for all He is!  Happy Christmas to you all.

“There is a light in this world, 
a healing spirit more powerful 
than any darkness we may encounter. 
We sometimes lose sight of this force 
when there is suffering, 
too much pain. 
Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge 
through the lives of ordinary people 
who hear a call 
and answer in extraordinary ways.” 

Mother Teresa

Incidentally, the initials are mine, but they are also the initials of Son Number 1!

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