
By memento

Guilt trip

Who knew that cranberries have little glowing eyes. Not me. Well they can stare me down all they want but they are being turned into a savory chutney, slated for some gift baskets I'm working on. Think Brie, think artisan peppercorn crackers. I have my work cut out for me to be ready by Thursday.

For once I am grateful for my neighborhood weatherman being completely wrong. We are headed for a very brown Christmas. There isn't enough snow in the entire city to build even one snowman, unless you use the snow from those plowed piles in the parking lots but that would be unattractive.

I just heard that Sony Entertainment will show, after all, on Christmas day, the waste of celluloid that they call a movie. Lucky lucky us. A comedy about assassinating the leader of a country. Just what we needed. I can't stand Hollywood.

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