Running into Oban

Given the Minx's unorthodox approach to observing the time component of schedules, you could be forgiven for thinking that she might be a little weak in the planning department but, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Virtually all of our trips are organised by her, my input being largely limited applying a little realism to her unlikely temporal ambitions. Or just not worrying about it.

I'd said that I'd like to get a run in while we were in Oban and my planning around this activity had gone as far as packing my running stuff but I had, not uncharacteristically, done nothing more. The Minx, however, had been onto the marvellous GMAP Pedometer and found me a four and a half mile route along a track from the A85 back into Oban. 

She drove me out and dropped me off at the start of the track so I could run back. It was a splendid run: just chilly enough to make for a brisk trot through the unfamiliar but beautiful countryside and, all too soon, I was making my way back down into the town, where I lifted my knees to impress the locals :-)

(Hm, that doesn't sound right... You know what I mean, though, don't you?)

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