Marsupium Photography

By magi


I totally failed to leave the house today which makes me slightly demented...

This image was trying out the stage for a wee time lapse video using Max's non-Newtonian alien. It was actually a lot more tricky than I thought. Firstly, you had to be really quick to set up the figure and focus before it started creeping. The main problem, however, came from somewhere unexpected: both Android remote controls I have installed (helicon remote and DSLR dashboard) stopped after having taking only 20 or so frames. A bit disappointing. Especially since helicon remote works really well otherwise. I decided to assemble the short video anyway since it is quite fun. You can find it on my flickr stream. The other problem was keeping the lighting constant. Clearly, I need to do some more experimenting and luckily I didn't decide to try out a more involved time lapse video. Out of curiosity I had a look at the shutter actuation count of my camera - just over 50000. Hm, quite a lot...

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