Curacao - the "C" of the ABC Islands in what used to be called the Dutch Antilles.

What a wonderful, colourful place it is.
The architecture is obviously old Dutch and it is even more colourfully painted than any other of the islands we have visited.
Not only is the architecture and paintwork wonderful but Willemstad - the capital - has a couple of unusual features ...... one is a pontoon bridge that swings open to allow boats through and the other is a floating market. This consists of a number of boats that come over from Venezuela to sell fish, fruit and vegetables.

After wandering about for the morning SWMBO and I joined a tour which was to culminate in an hour stop at once of the beach resorts before taking us back to the ship.
Rather than hitting the beach, we went and had an excellent and very well priced lunch. The only downside was we had to rush it a bit to get back for the allotted time.
However, the rest of the group failed to turn up.
This meant that if the driver left in the hope of getting another late tour (unlikely) she would lose out on - the fairly substantial - taxi fare from them......... she normally gets paid when she arrives at the beach resort but she trusted the Brittish.
Well this group of twats have ruined that trust, the drivers chance of an increased days wages and our intention of doing a spot of shopping (as well as our lunch).
After waiting for ages, I went looking for them and failed.
When I got back the driver arranged for us to be taken back to the ship and she was going to wait until it would be too late for them to get back to the ship in the hope of getting some money (we of course paid our share and a decent tip).

As we passed through the small market at the port entrance SWMBO pointed out a watch I just had to have ........ it is made from wood and weighs almost nothing

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