
Michael is out camping with his school and Kathryn had a long day ahead so we got to act as doggy daycare today! I loved having Petra around after I ran my errands (picked a few small remaining items for the photography show), hanging out around my desk chair as I worked. Kathryn helped me out with finishing my spoke cards for the show--check them out there in that preceding link.

Speaking of cycling and cards, it seems as if my postcards have begun arriving safely across the sea. Excellent thing to see, your work in another's hands so many thousand miles away.

However, this day's positivity has had a very dark cloud hovering over it. Received a very saddening and disheartening email this morning from an old friend; turns out her boyfriend, another old friend of mine, has some tumors all up and down his entire spine and vertebrae. Amidst the staggering words, so many fond memories came flooding back: the creating of music, the sharing and critique of our art, the whiskey and the Tecates, the Halloween party, the Simpsons episodes. I didn't know how to respond to her message. How does one? I mean, really? How does something like this even fucking happen? I used to watch him, his back problems, and just thought he was like me, he pulled it from carry a guitar amp, a box at work, a backpack. Who knew something else was there, lurking, lumbering. We have one of his creations on our wall here, in our bedroom; I'd asked him to create it for me some years ago to give to Leah because I couldn't draw like him. No one can. But things are still being found out, worked out. We are still waiting for test results, for answers, for understanding. I wish there was more that I could do. Just know: you guys are in my thoughts, authentically and deeply. Always, because in so many ways, we all grew up together there.

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