
By LaKwAtSeRa

The Medieval Undercroft

I meet with my supervisor today at 12nn. Well it was already around 1220pm since he was a little bit late. When i knocked on his door, he was still halfway thru his wrap but put it down and asked me to come in anyway. Presented him my partial results but then we, or he, got curious about this particular modulation function that i was using in my calculations. It was suppose to range between 0 to 1 but then i realised it did not for the other extreme input value. So i ended up having to go back to the drawing board after the meeting...meaning the results that i generated must have been incorrect all along. i need to  generate a contour plot of my function and determine if it does go from 0 to 1.

I went to the city centre afterwards to buy a new bus pass. I purchased a two term bus pass this time that would last me until July 2015. As i was heading back to the bus station (after lunch at Nando's) i noticed that there was this nice water fountain at the back. I went around and saw it for the first time. It wasnt grand but there was a hidden water fountain at the back of Nando's just beside the ruins. I also discovered that there is a medieval undercroft around the area. And that is today's blip. this was taken from above the undercroft. The photo is very blurry since there was a glass between that area and from where i took the photo. the glass needs a little bit of cleaning to be honest. I also dont know what the priest(?) sitting on the chair is doing. It seems like he is leaning on or pushing something. I guess it's worth a visit. Next time.

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