Sad day for Glasgow

Yet another tragedy has hit the city of Glasgow. Hubby and I were in the city centre shopping today. When we got into the city I said to hubby you go your way and I will go mine! Half way through the shopping I met hubby so we teamed up and were on our way to see the lights at George square when I decided I had had enough so I suggested we leave it till tomorrow night and headed for the underground. By the time we surfaced from underground at Hillhead, the place was going mad with emergency vehicles rushing down the street. It wasn't until we got home later that we learned what had happened. My heart goes out to these poor bereaved people. It's only just a year since the Clutha bar tragedy when a helicopter crashed into a Glasgow bar. Glasgow is a strong gutsy city and will pull through. Our eldest daughter was also in the city but had made it home safely. WE told our friends we were safe but it doesn't make the sadness go away. Such sad news

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