The Great Blippish Christmas Cake Off

When JazzyB mentioned her Christmas Bake Off challenge I thought I would have a go. Never having made a Christmas cake in my chuff this was something of a Moutain for me to climb.

In November the cake was made and then regularly fed with snifters of Mr Lif's best brandy. Shh....he still doesn't know. It does smell rather boozy so I may *just* have overdone it!

When the time came to ice it I made a management decisions to trim it from round to square (nothing at all to do with the overly brown edging...oh no)

The icing was a whole other challenge! The pack said ready to roll. Let me tell you now it was not! My bingo wings got a good work out!

So here it is. My first ever Christmas cake!

Thanks for organising the challenge JazzyB. Xx

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