
I wanted to pose a lovely picture of us (me, Otto and his parents) at the forest where we went in the forenoon to get a Christmas tree. But when I now look at the pic's I tooked at the forest, I think they don't mirror the real today by my eyes.

This pic, I tooked when I was looking for the perfect spruce but saw a tree with nicely ripped bark. Now, at computer this pic makes me feel dizzy. Don't know why. But the feeling it now makes to me, is more relevant than the nice "family portrait".

We found a nice tree, chopped it and grilled sausages at the forest. I felt a bit more sick than I had already felt for two days. Well, it was nothing.

We left the forest, came back to Otto's parents, did something and left to my mom's house because she had made food for me and Otto.

It was lovely food, Finnish name for it is kappelinkanapaistos, don't know what it should be called in English, but it's made of pasta and chicken. My mom hade never made it for me. I loved the food when I was in school. But have not eaten it in years. I ate a plate full of it. Had to take another, it was so good! And I hadn't eaten for over a day properly because my stomach had been a bit ill.

After we had eaten, we went to living room to chat etc. After a while I felt that now I have to run to the toilet. Came back to living room and after couple of minutes had to go there again. And again. Wtf, did I now get the stomach flu that the patients had at work?

We drove to Otto's parents, and the whole time Otto was driving I felt so sick. Finally at the house I ripped all of my clothes of and went to bed. But couldn't stay there long. Had to run between the toilet and bed. Then, after a while, hours or minutes or something, after we got in the house I had to ask Otto to bring me a pucket: now it's coming out not only from down but also up. The whole evening and night I throw up and shitted. I felt so so so so terrible! Everyone has been telling me for years how horrible the norovirus is and I've been like: "yeah, it is, right, awfull" but not really known what thay had been talking about. Now I really do!

When I was shitting on the toilet seat and barfing loundly and largely to a bucket, I just kept thinking how in the earth I'm gonna get trought of this?

I felt horrible.

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