
It is amazing the lengths I can plumb in order not to venture out into the drizzle to seek out today's blip.

This dear viewers is the result: a blip of the beret hot off the knitting pins which is about to be dispatched to youngest daughter, who was the first and only bidder for ownership.
What with the mask you ask? Artistic licence I say.

As it is her birthday on the 2nd January, (a bad ass date if ever there was one on which to produce a baby if there is going to be a maternal post partum emergency and very few staff on duty), this will wrap nicely around the accompanying cheques for her and my grandson who will be 4 the day after.

The liberal quaffing of alcohol yesterday along with the food intake and excitement, ensured that I was roaming around the DowerHouse until 3:30am this morning.
I'm beginning to worry that the sleeplessness that has afflicted me since we returned from India is becoming a permanent feature of my nights.

So you will excuse me if I leave you to nod off in my chair now.

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